Friday, August 27, 2010

Party Like It's Ya Burthday.

That's right folks, it's my birthday today! Which also means lots of food. I woke up, my mom had left the cake she bought me on the table. With a little box full of maple candy, then she gave me a cupcake. Are you trying to kill me?! I didn't eat the cake, obviously. I just marveled at how pretty it is. Tiramusu! The candies, I reluctantly gave away... but I did eat the cupcake. Sue me! It was delicious.

Anyway, I'm going to Yoga tomorrow so don't freak. It's my birthday! Come on! I will however take it easy on the sweets. Its my birthday, but I also need to lose weight.

...Well, I'm gonna go eat half my cake, see you guys later!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hardest. Night. EVER.

So today, I decided it would be fun to do two classes in a row at the gym today. One right after the other. First one, Zumba, a class based off of fun, quick step dancing, the next a yoga/tai chi/pilates class. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. I think I may have really sweat a bucket or two. But I feel absolutely fantastic. Getting back into this exercise thing has gotten me feeling more energetic and happy. It also has given me a little boost of confidence. I think I really am on a good road. Now that I got a really good taste of the effects of healthy living, I might just have to continue with it!
Time for a MUCH needed shower. Check in with you all tomorrow. :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Very Scary...

So tomorrow, Saturday, at 10AM, I Haley Cook will be attending my very first yoga/tai chi/pilate's class. I have to admit, I'm just about pooping my pants. Its not that I'm scared of not being able to do it. I'm scared everyone else in the class will be in tip top shape, early 20's, and know exactly what they're doing. I'm going anyway, though! My options are hiding in the back of the class, or going up front to really understand. Hopefully I can get over my irrational fears, because I would rather understand and get a good workout then be totally lost and have wasted an hour and a half. Wish me luck!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Vow...

So I've been going about things completely wrong. Lately I've found it SO hard to be eating healthy constantly, and to be exercising daily. It's so easy for someone to say, "you have to lose weight for you, nobody else," but it's so much harder than it sounds. I've been going about things, deep inside my head, with the idea that skinny is better. That skinny is what other people prefer to see. Even though I have hammered into peoples brains that curves are beautiful. So why can't I believe it for myself? I'm 6 feet tall, I will never be a stick. I need to embrace my curves, and get healthy. I do need to lose weight, but I have to keep the mindset that curves are good. Curves are sexy!

So I need you all to take this vow with me. Ready? Put your hand on your heart and repeat after me!

I _________ vow to feed my body the nutrients it needs. I will not starve my body. I will remember I was born with the body I have, and it is my duty to keep it healthy. And will allow myself good days, and bad days, but I will never give up being healthy.

Good day you guys. Stay tuned!
Love you all.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Greatly Apologize...

To anyone that has been reading my blog! As you could probably tell from my extreme lack of posts, I also am extremely lacking motivation. I will try and hop back on the bandwagon, and keep you all posted daily. Sorry again, but you will definitely see more of me! :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 3, Exercise?

So I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in a while. I went with my best friend, and there may have been a little more goofing off than working out happening. Oh well, life's about having fun right? Sure, Haley. Anyway, this friend was in ballet for the majority of her life so she showed me an exercise that helped her get her toned as heck body. Not only does it tone your body, but it makes every muscle in your body ache the next day.

The Toned Butt Fat Body Blaster: Lay on a mat, on your back. Bring your knees up, like in the sit up position. Now, using your core muscles, press your pelvis into the air, with your feet flat on the floor. I grab the sides of the mat, to make it a little easier. Once you're comfortable there, bend your left leg at the knee, and point it forward shooting all your energy out your big toe, note: with your pelvis still in the air. Hold it for five slow seconds, and repeat on the other leg. Do about 2 sets 8 on each leg and i guarantee you will feel the burn.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 2, first rant of many to come

I got bullied mercilessly in elementary school and high school. Really, I mean it was that bad. I didn't exactly have any solid friends. And when I had one, they moved away. They were some terrible years for me. What I'm trying to get at, is that you can't let things from the past get to you now. You just can't. I let that happen, and it is going to be pretty hard to reverse it, but it needs to be done.

On a brighter note, I went to the gym and got some good lunging in.

Day 2, dun dun dun... time to break out the scale.

I had a bad feeling in my stomach about this last night. I knew it was coming, but nothing could prepare me for it. So I sucked it up, went downstairs and trudged out my dusty old scale and measuring tape. Let me say, the results were less than pleasing but it's not like it's staying that way forever, right?! So here we go. I am about to tell anyone who has Internet the one thing majority of woman keep private for a reason... brace yourselves!

BUST: 45''
WAIST: 42''
HIPS: 49''

...WEIGHT: 265 lbs

and just so you know, my height is 6 ft 0''.

Yes, laugh, cry, gasp, whatever, I know I had mixed emotions when I saw those numbers. Goodness gracious, I don't know when I through myself down the toilet, but things have got to change around here.

P.S I will be posting pictures of myself later on today so you can see the damage.

- Haley

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hello ladies and gents!

I just wanted to inform you all a little on what this blog is all about. My name is Haley, I need to lose 100 pounds and fit into a size 12 jean by August 8th of next year. I'll fill you in day to day, week to week on my progress. I'll post my meals, a few rants, some tips to losing weight, and excerpts of my life. Things like that! I will have two week weigh ins where I give you guys the deets on how I'm doing, and you can (hopefully) give me positive, or if need be negative feedback. 
I'm hoping people see this as a positive thing, because it sure is for me. This blog is a way for me to kick myself in the ass, and maybe have some fun while doing so.
This blog will get so down and dirty you'll need to take a shower after reading it. Well, maybe not, but it sure as hell will be personal. I won't be holding anything back, and I won't just be talking about weight loss. So stay tuned, because things sure are going to get interesting after this!

-xo, Haley.

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