Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hardest. Night. EVER.

So today, I decided it would be fun to do two classes in a row at the gym today. One right after the other. First one, Zumba, a class based off of fun, quick step dancing, the next a yoga/tai chi/pilates class. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. I think I may have really sweat a bucket or two. But I feel absolutely fantastic. Getting back into this exercise thing has gotten me feeling more energetic and happy. It also has given me a little boost of confidence. I think I really am on a good road. Now that I got a really good taste of the effects of healthy living, I might just have to continue with it!
Time for a MUCH needed shower. Check in with you all tomorrow. :)


  1. Hey there! I saw one of your links on weight-loss-story.blogspot.com and thought I would come check it out, since I'm also just starting a weight loss / exercise journey and can always use the motivation of hearing how others are doing. I hope you don't mind that I'm following your blog (I'm guessing that's why you posted the link, anyhow). Good luck with everything! :)

  2. how did it feel going to the class? was it as awkward as you thought it'd be?

  3. It was awkward, but I sweat off about a few pounds. Haha, you kind of get over the awkwardness right away when there's 30 ladies of all shapes and sizes dancing the heart out. :)


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