Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Vow...

So I've been going about things completely wrong. Lately I've found it SO hard to be eating healthy constantly, and to be exercising daily. It's so easy for someone to say, "you have to lose weight for you, nobody else," but it's so much harder than it sounds. I've been going about things, deep inside my head, with the idea that skinny is better. That skinny is what other people prefer to see. Even though I have hammered into peoples brains that curves are beautiful. So why can't I believe it for myself? I'm 6 feet tall, I will never be a stick. I need to embrace my curves, and get healthy. I do need to lose weight, but I have to keep the mindset that curves are good. Curves are sexy!

So I need you all to take this vow with me. Ready? Put your hand on your heart and repeat after me!

I _________ vow to feed my body the nutrients it needs. I will not starve my body. I will remember I was born with the body I have, and it is my duty to keep it healthy. And will allow myself good days, and bad days, but I will never give up being healthy.

Good day you guys. Stay tuned!
Love you all.


  1. listen up girl,

    skinny isn't all it's cracked up to be. i'd much rather have curves, and you can quote me on that however many times you would like. i'm perfectly confident and fine with my body, but i find myself lusting for a more curvaceous one at times. if you have the self-esteem and confidence (which are two different things) then that is one step to becoming happy with yourself. :)

  2. it's easy to love yourself when you fit in society's stereotype of having the "perfect body". It's time girls with a little weight and curves see themselves in a positive light!!


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